Such software analyzes the entire USB flash drive and looks for any recoverable data. Permanently deleted files that can’t be restored from Trash can still, in most cases, be retrieved using special USB data recovery software for Mac. Solution 2: Use USB Data Recovery Software for Mac Click on any of the selected files, hold the click, and drag your mouse to another folder or your desktop. Select them by either pressing and holding the command key and then clicking the files or by holding the left mouse click and dragging the cursor around them. Go through Trash and look for the files you want to undelete. Open Trash by clicking on its icon, located on the right side or bottom of the Dock. To recover files from USB drive on Mac using Trash: If that’s the case in your situation, you’re in luck because flash drive recovery on Mac from the Trash folder is a very simple process. Recently deleted files can often be found in the Trash folder. It’s time for us to describe two solutions for data recovery from flash drives. How to Recover Files from a Flash Drive on Mac